No one wants to gamble on parking. PGS makes the parking experience quick and easy so visitors can enter your casino in a positive mood. We help our customers make satisfaction a sure thing. See how we help casinos take the gamble out of parking.

License Plate Recognition
Sensors track driver behaviors.
Sensors identify individual visitors by license plate so you can monitor patterns and offer added value like frequent visitor discounts and premium reserved spaces.

Sensors with Audio
Talk to your visitors.
Sensors come with speaker output add-on so you can deliver custom welcome greetings, provide directions to ADA spaces, broadcast emergency announcements or other custom messages.

Easy Navigation
All in for open spaces.
Entry and aisle signs allow guests to see available spots on each level, thus eliminating the need to circle for spaces. By cutting down on parking time, you allow your visitors more time to enjoy the casino.
Casinos Case Studies
A parking win-win.
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MGM Grand Casino